Magic vial ✨Love & Strength
Magic vial ✨Love & Strength
Place it wherever you want (room, car, office, altar, etc.) so that it diffuses all its energy for you.
Glass vial sealed with pink wax in order to follow the magical intention, it is composed of:
✨Rose Quartz: Unconditional love, vibrates with gentleness to give you confidence. The magic of this stone brings deep inner healing and self-love
✨Moonstone: this stone naturally acts for the good of the wearer and harmonizes energies. It develops intuition and helps in making important decisions.
✨Rock crystal: light, it increases the power of the stones around it. Considered the queen of stones, it recharges, cleanses and amplifies energy.
🌱Basil for Luck
🌱Himalayan salt for protection & purification
🌱Rose bud for Love & harmony
Delivered in a small starry pouch.